The crucial vitamin supplement to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth at home
Hair loss can be a natural part of the ageing process, and most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about. We can even lose up to 100 hairs on our bodies every day, without even noticing. But you could prolong the life of your locks by regularly taking vitamin A supplements, it’s been revealed.
Losing your hair could be caused by a number of different conditions, said the NHS.
Stress, weight loss, or even an iron deficiency can lead to some form of hair loss.
But, there are some home treatments you can use that might help to prevent some types of hair loss, including alopecia.
One of the easiest ways to stimulate hair growth at home is to add more vitamin A to your diet, it’s been claimed.
READ MORE: The vegetable gel to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth
“Vitamin A is another crucial vitamin for hair health,” said Lenherr.
“Retinol, the active form of vitamin A, supports the secretion of sebum, an oily substance that is produced all over the body and in the scalp, which can help prevent hair breakage.
“However, do note that some studies suggest that taking high doses of vitamin A can actually lead to hair loss.”
If the body produces too much sebum, it could lead to greasy hair, and instigate hair loss, so it’s crucial to find the right balance.
Meanwhile, you could also lower your risk of hair loss by regularly taking iron supplements.
Iron is used in the production of red blood cells, which help to carry oxygen around the body.
Oxygen must be delivered to the scalp for hair to grow, and without enough oxygen, you may be at risk of losing your hair.
Women are more likely to be deficient in iron, although it can also affect men, she said.
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